Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Straffford Pre School PTA

Missouri PTA is sometimes asked to perform audits of units/councils. I conducted a audit of the Strafford PreSchool PTA to help this unit fulfill the requirements of being a unit in good standing. It was a pleasure to help this unit, and see the wonderful things that they are doing for the children and parents of the Strafford School District. Keep up the good work!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Board of Managers November Meeting

We work hard, but play as well. This was a team building activity at the meeting. All members of the board were tied together with yarn. The items to make a bannana split were placed at the front of the room. Each table had to work together to get the items to the people that wanted them. The key was that everyone had to work together to get what the other wanted. Moral to the story, in order to get the job done, no matter whose idea, we must all work together. They did a great job and showed alot of team work. Way to go!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education-Graduation Matters

Missouri PTA president speaking with another organizational leader at a Graduation Matters meeting in Jefferson City on November 10th. The meeting was on the importance of making sure that communities realize the importance and the impact that graduation has on the community.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dixon Elementary PTA Officers

The Mary Lou Anderson grant program compliments PTA's long standing commitment to quality arts eduation in public schools by providing funds to local PTAs to establish or enhance school arts programs in one or more arts areas: visual arts, photography, music (including dance), and literature (including theater). Local PTAs must submit complete applications and provide funds that match the amount they are requestiong form the national PTA organization.

Dixon Elementary Kindergarten performs during the PTA meeting

Dixon Elementary PTA Receives Mary Lou Anderson Arts in Education Grant

As education budgets tighten, schools may find it tough to keep art programs alive. That's why PTA is proud to announce Dixon Elementary PTA in Dixon, Mo as a recipient of the National PTA Mary Lou Anderson Reflections Arts Enhancemnt Grant- a matching grant for student centered arts education programs.

The objective of the grant program is to enhance arts education for students in the classroom or other learning enviroments through a community effort to introduce activities, materials, new technologies, techniques, and the introduction of visiting artists programs.

It was my pleasure to present a $1000.00 check to help further the arts in education at Dixon Elementary. Missouri PTA is proud of the efforts that Dixon PTA has made to keep arts alive.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Governor's proclamation

September 23,2009 Governor Nixon signs proclamation for Parent and Family Involvement in Education week.